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An Obsession with Youth
Must women stay young forever?
I grew up obsessed with thinness. Now I’m 39, should I obsess over staying young? I’ve seen friends and colleagues begin to worry about wrinkles and gray hairs. Gosh, we are getting old!
Are we?
A while ago, a friend of mine told me that for her birthday, she wanted to get Botox. She explained that the bags under her eyes made her look old.
Well, we can’t have that now, can we? Women looking old. Good heavens!
Each person has the right to do with their bodies whatever they wish. But, I wonder why women are more likely than men to go under the knife to modify their bodies for the sake of “beauty”.
Why remove the signs from our body that tell our story?
Why are we frightened of wrinkles and gray hair? Why must our skins be forever smooth and our bodies young?
We are fed false ideas of beauty constantly: thinness, youthfulness, smoothness.
These expectations and impositions are harmful and endanger women’s sense of self-worth, preventing them from fully embracing themselves as they are.
What’s even more frightening is that new TikTok trends are having an impact on C H I L D R E N and pre-teens, who are running…